Elks Immigration

Why work in Canada?

Canada offers its residents many job opportunities as each month experiences new job creation. Also, if you want to engage with advanced technologies, coming to Canada to work should be your first line of action. Different professions like Computer scientists, engineers, aerospace professionals, pharmacies and many more will have a good ride in Canada compared to other developed countries.

What is a work permit?

The legal document that permits a foreign national to migrate to Canada for work purposes is a work permit. This is the first step to take, especially if you have plans to reside in Canada permanently as a foreign worker. The permit allows you to stay and work in the country in various capacities.

Types of work permit

Canadian work permit comes in two different programs:

You will not need an LMIA for this program

This program requires you to provide the standard Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before a work permit is issued.

International Mobility Program

You will not need an LMIA for this program

You will need an LMIA as an employer to hire foreign workers as this is the requirement expected by the Canadian government. The reason LMIA is emphasized is to show the government that the worker is profitable to the economy of Canada. Any worker needing LMIA will have to apply under the temporary foreign worker program.

However, the LMIA rule doesn’t apply to all employers. If they are under the Canada-United States- Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) or operating under the North American Free Trade Agreement, then they are LMIA exempt. The workers of such companies will apply for a work permit under the International Mobility Program (IMP). Some other work permit options aside from the LMIA exempts are post-graduate work permits, holiday works and open spousal work permits.

The LMIA Required

All employers under the category needing an LMIA don’t have any other option than to get it for their workers to obtain the work permits.

LMIA Exempt

Below is a list of circumstances that bypass the need for foreign workers to obtain LMIA.


You will be issued an LMIA exempt permit when the Canada-United-States-Mexico Agreement is being operated in your company.

Intra-Company Transfers

With the intra-company transfer permit, you can bring in foreign workers from your company anywhere in the world to Canada without needing an LMIA permit.

Post-Graduation Work Permits

You would not need LMIA to work after completing your education as an international student. In fact, you can work for up to three years without needing the LMIA.

Business Visitors

As a business visitor, you can work in Canada and would be exempted from obtaining an LMIA or a work permit. But if you extend your work to the Canadian Labour market, you will need to apply for it.


You must check out some requirements before working in Canada, even if you already have a job. You might need LMIA, and sometimes not, so you must find out all these. At Elks immigration, we would give you the assistance you require.

It is essential to understand that Quebec’s working conditions differ from other Canadian provinces. Also, the occupations that require LMIA may differ in Quebec. Elks immigration can help you get the list of professions Quebec permits to work without LMIA. Our specialist would communicate with the Quebec personnel in French, which is the official language there. We would assist you all the way and readily answer all questions.

You can trust Elks immigration to help relocate your foreign worker to Canada. In some situations, you will have to obtain the LMIA permit before you can bring the worker, and if you can bypass it, we will inform you promptly.

We are available to attend to you anytime, and advise you on the best options, contact us today.

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