Elks Immigration

What is PGP?

The PGP (Parent Grandparent program) is used by permanent residents and Canadian citizens to sponsor their parents and grandparent in Canada. Once the sponsorship is approved, the parent and grandparent will not only migrate but will become permanent residents.

What are the benefits?

Some of the significant benefits your parents will enjoy are good health care, work permit, protection and freedom enjoyed by a Canadian permanent resident. They can also apply to become a Canadian citizen, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

How can I sponsor?

By following this process, you will be able to sponsor under PGP:

Step 1

Check the eligibility criteria to see if you meet the requirement

Step 2

Check the IRCC website to complete the sponsor form online

Step 3

Make necessary information update to the interest to sponsor form

Step 4

You will be given about 60 days to complete the sponsorship application to IRCC if selected in the random sponsorship draw

What are the eligibility criteria?

To be eligible for the 2021 Parents and Grandparents Program, sponsors must have met these criteria:


Must have completed the form on the IRCC website for sponsors


You must be a permanent resident or Canadian citizen


Must be older than 18 years older


Must be residing in Canada


Must meet the minimum necessary income and even exceed it (You and your spouse can add funds together if you are married to show proof of income)


Must sign an undertaking that the sponsored will be financially sponsored for about 20 years and repay social assistance fee if there is any for the sponsored family member

Note that if the sponsor is resident in Quebec, then there is a need to sign another undertaking provided by Quebec province.

As an applicant, you must also show that you can support your sponsored family by meeting the Minimum Income Requirement. This will involve submitting the required assessment to the Canadian Revenue Agency.

What are the steps to sponsor
parents and grandparents in
the province of Quebec?

You need to follow these steps to process the PGP for your

Step 1

Check your eligibility status

Step 2

Complete the Interest to Sponsor form on the IRCC website

Step 3

Wait for a random selection, and if successfully selected, complete your application within 60 days

Step 4

Apply to the Quebec government for a Quebec selection certificate, usually in French. Once you have received it, you can submit it to the IRCC

How much income do I need to sponsor?

According to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), you must meet a minimum necessary income for every year you paid tax before the application date. The Canada revenue agency is responsible for accessing the MNI of every sponsor. Note that the income requirement is not the same for Quebec Province.

Look through the PGP Minimum Necessary Income requirement table below to know how much you need if you will be a resident outside Quebec.

Size of Family Unit MNI
2 persons
3 persons
4 persons
5 persons
6 persons
7 persons

For every person added to the list, you will be required to pay an additional $6,985.

What obligations must I
follow when I sponsor my parents
and grandparents?

Every sponsor will be expected to sign an undertaking form to be responsible for the sponsored person’s essential needs for about 20 years after their arrival date.

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