Elks Immigration

What does Canadian citizenship mean?

Suppose you have been rewarded with Canadian citizenship, it means you won’t only be referred to as a Canadian citizen, but you will enjoy the benefits of being a national-born citizen. You will also share the same rights as the citizens of Canada and be allowed to vote and be a Canadian passport owner. Note that you can only attain this position of a Canadian citizen if you have been a permanent resident before. Every aspiring applicant of a Canadian citizen must have lived in Canada for at least 1095 days before they can apply.

What does Canadian citizenship mean?

Why get it?

You will enjoy many benefits when you become a Canadian citizen.

The following are just some of the benefits.

Right to vote
Right to vote

You will be allowed to vote on all levels of government when you receive Canadian citizenship. The interesting news is that you can also contest for a seat in the government and be voted for as any citizen of the country.

Canadian passport

A Canadian passport is a big deal, especially if you have plans to travel around the world. With the passport, you can easily access your dream country, and when the passport expires, it will be easier to renew.

Canadian passport
Dual citizenship
Dual citizenship

The fact that you have obtained Canadian citizenship doesn’t deter you from retaining the citizenship of your home country; hence dual citizenship is possible.

Automatic children's citizenship

When you become a citizen, your children born in Canada also become one, while those born outside of the country will also be citizens if you, as their parent, were born in Canada.

Automatic children's citizenship
Right be a Canadian employee and employer
Right be a Canadian employee and employer

There will be no restrain on the number of jobs you can apply for when you become a citizen. Plus, you will get equivalent pay as other citizens without any disparity. Citizenship gives you free will if you want to own a business and employ people.

Citizenship Application Eligibility

If you want to become a citizen of Canada, you must be able to provide the following document.

Citizenship Application Eligibility

Note that the language test is essential and should be submitted alongside the citizenship application. If this is not adhered to, your application might be denied.

Also, note that you are privileged to fast-track your application process as a previous Canadian armed force member. If you are not sure you will be granted citizenship because of the period of your stay in the country, then use a residence calculator to check if you meet up.

Check with your parent also if they have been a citizen, as you might not need to apply for citizenship again. If you are already a citizen, you can just apply for citizenship proof to avoid going through the process of the citizenship program again.

It is also important to note that people that have been convicted in the past or have served jail time might find it challenging to be eligible to become a citizen of Canada.

The Application Process.

Applying for your Canadian citizenship will just require a few steps.

Step 1

Get Canadian citizenship from the IRCC website online and fill it out.

Step 2

Check all the documents before submitting and confirm their validity

Step 3

Pay the application fee online using your banking card

Step 4

Complete the form in the physical office in Sydney, Canada

After completing the four stages, you can wait for the IRCC website’s update by joining the different discussion forums.

Why choose Elks Immigration?

Choosing Elks immigration means you are getting guaranteed support on all application processes. We don’t only offer support, but we will regularly update you on the information you need to make the right decision in the different Canadian pathways. Elks immigration is also licensed, and we can operate anywhere in Canada.


It will take about 12 months for Canadian citizenship to be issued. This is the maximum timeframe; anything above it could mean other complexities.

You will be required to pay Citizenship proof, processing fee, citizen grant, record search, citizenship right and Renunciation of Citizenship fee.

Once an applicant is 18 years or above but not more than 54 years, they can apply for a Canadian citizen. Note that they can be within this age range and still not be eligible for citizenship if they weren’t a permanent resident before application.

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